Thursday, August 06, 2009

Meeting Asher

At the beginning of June, the boys and I travelled to Michigan to meet our youngest baby cousin, Asher Joseph Atkinson. He was born the day after Mother's day this May. He was just shy of 4 weeks old at the time of our trip.

He is a precious boy, and the beautiful son of my "baby" sister Lindsay and her husband Chris.

Chris is a great dad.

and Lindsay is a great mom.

Here are the cousins all lined up, oldest to youngest: Linnea (nearly 7), Karin (nearly 5), Jasper (2.5 yrs), Benjamin (8 months) and Asher (4 weeks). The boys and I were sick for this trip, so we kept our distance from Asher to make sure he did not get sick from us. As a result, Benjamin here doesn't know what to make of his baby cousin. But, he liked him and liked patting his head.

We Texans got to Michigan before the rest of the crew coming in from Indiana and Minnesota, so the boys had a few days of playing with Nana and Papa that they thought was great. Jasper played soccer & visited the John Deere store with Papa. Papa got him a cool Dodge pickup truck with a horse trailer at the JD store, and that quickly was a favorite toy for our trip.

There were so many tractors, Jasper had to check them all out. He was like a proverbial kid in a candy store.

checking out the gator!
Papa let him drive.

They need this kind of attachment in Michigan where last winter they had over 100 ft of snow!

This is Papa and Nana's front step - the perfect spot for playing with the new Dodge truck and horse trailer, or so Jasper thought.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

cute! oh yes, my favorite (insert sarcasm) picture of the three of us -- Chris and I look half-dead from lack of sleep and I have that enormous fireman sticker on (courtesy of your son). :) That seems like forever ago... next time we're all together Asher and Benjamin will both be so much more mobile! Can't wait!