Sunday, July 19, 2009


His rolls and creases betray the fact that Benjamin is an eater. He's not been afraid of solids from his first exposure to cereal at 6 months. The funny thing is that with the way his mouth and tongue move, if we gave him anything too thin he would spit it out. Not out of rejection, just because his tongue would squirt it out. So we learned pretty quickly that we had to make the food thick. Thin cereal was short lived. Maybe a week. In addition, we've added cereal to all the pureed food from the get-go.

He was not an early adopter of all solids, and I recall bananas were not a favorite. But anything with sweet potatoes goes down "like butta," and in general he loves to eat. He loves it so much he'll sit in his hook-on chair with his arms out to the side and his feet kicking while we feed him. Drew calls it his Superman move. Here he is at nearly 8 months showing off his tricks.

Jasper is much more mature at eating. He still loves meatballs, chicken, ham, turkey, quesadillas, waffles, oatmeal, cheerios, Saturday morning pancakes, cheesy rice and peas, pasta, grapes, strawberries, pineapple and yogurt (among other things). Recently we've added raw carrots, bell peppers and cantaloupe, and we're slowing trying to acclimate him to tomatoes. It's a process.

Despite being a picky 2.5yr-old, he eats healthy food. We have no complaint if we can get him to eat protein for strong muscles so he can run fast, climb high and jump; vegetables (that say "yippee vegetables!" inside) to keep him healthy; and carrots to make his eyes strong so he can see far fire trucks and ambulances. Dairy, fruit and grain are no problem, so we don't have to explain why those are helpful.
Here he's showing off how he too likes to eat sweet potatoes.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I LOVE these pictures!! The contrast between the excitement of Benjamin (insert teradactyl noise) and the big-boy control of Jasper is adorable. :) We love you boys!!