Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Grandpa and Grandma Gant Visit

Over the Memorial day weekend, Drew's parents came for a visit. They explained they needed a "Jasper fix." :) We were happy to have them here, and they got some great time with Jasper ... reading to him, spending time at the park, giving him baths, etc.

The Texas heat wave (mid- to upper-90's) had already started when they arrived, so we took the opportunity to spend time in / around the water whenever we could. However, we haven't introduced Jasper to pools yet. Instead grandpa and grandma bought him a water table to play with in the yard or on the deck. We also visited the sprinkler park again.

Before they bought a "real" water table, grandma and grandpa make a trial one from a dishpan. Jasper liked it. I think he just really likes getting wet.

There was lots of time spent reading while they were here. Grandma brought us new books for our collection, and they read old ones too. I think Jasper's early morning hair is the best!

This is an awesome picture from the park!

Grandma bought him a broom so he could help keep the deck clean. He likes to help with that household task.
I don't know where he learned it, but Jasper loves to make this funny face when he is particularly happy & excited.
The toy fish grandma and grandpa bought were great for shooting water at Jasper.
He loves running under the sprinkler head of the hose. He'd do it for hours!!!!!!!

Check out the videos from our playtime while they were here.

Time playing with the water table quickly evolved into time running through the sprinkler. Jasper had a blast and got soaked!

Jasper has become quite at home at the sprinkler park. He especially loves running up to water shooting up from the ground and getting his face right in the stream. Then when he's all wet, he runs away grinning from ear to ear. It's a lot of fun!

An interesting development while G&G were here is that Jasper voluntarily stood up in the bathtub, picked up a cup (generally a play item) and peed directly into it. He had complete control over what was happening. Grandma wasn't sure if this was a common thing, but she just took the cup from him and emptied it into the toilet. Then Jasper sat down, and the bath continued. He hasn't done this for us, but who knows ... perhaps it just might sometime down the road. We've never had to deal with a "code brown" as some of our friends have had to contend. We're quite happy about that! :)

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