Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Raising a Boy

For whatever reason, the city of Austin is having a hard time keeping the water line in front of our house from breaking. For the third (or maybe fourth) time in one year they've been out to rip up the curb and try to fix something. Two weekends ago we once again saw water gurgling up and spilling out onto the street. They came one day, made a bigger mess, and then left it over the weekend. So that weekend, my boys decided to make an even bigger mess. In the midst of it all Drew reminded me "we are raising a boy." Point taken. Have a look.

We found a "Jasper-size" shovel (a trowel) for Jasper to use, and he thought that was great. He'd say "let's dig, daddy!" Dig they did!

Benjamin stayed clean but was interested in the activity at the curb

Jasper is showing off his mess. Both boots are supposed to be red.

hopefully this is not an indication of a vocational calling.
he doesn't appear to mind having mud on his face.

clearly he was dirty, and i didn't really want to track that into my not-even-close-to-spotless house. so Drew decided to hose him down. here you can see the water just starting to reach his fingertips.

the initial onslaught of the hosing down was startling to Jasper (and me!), but after he composed himself he thought it was awesome!

cleaning off the hands ...

led to a very wet shirt!

here Jasper is doing a little jig because he's enjoying getting sprayed so much.

now starts the progression of clothing removal and general merriment playing with the hose.

This is all Jasper. Look at that diaper. It's pretty soaked!

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