Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Cinco de Mayo

Drew recently told me about the youngest person ever admitted into Mensa. She's a two year old, and on some published video this "savant" is shown having counted to ten in Spanish and listed state capitals. Call me crazy, but that hardly seems like genius material. She probably is smart enough to be doing calculus right now, but if that's the case, why not have her do some equations?

So, I decided counting to ten in Spanish would be a good goal. On Sunday night we started. I taught Jasper the different numbers. Today I drove the point home. We counted in Spanish every time we had a chance - looking at truck stickers, eating broccoli, sipping milk, etc. He doesn't get it all the time, but for the most part he can now count to cinco. In honor of that I was happy to teach him that today is Cinco de Mayo (how convenient!). I told him he should tell daddy it's Cinco de Mayo when he comes home. He didn't seem all that into it, but sure enough. When Drew got home and Jasper ran out to greet him, he said "dad it's Cinco de Mayo!"

Yes, I'm proud.

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