Thursday, February 12, 2009

Aunt Lou Comes to Austin

On Superbowl weekend, Drew's Aunt Louann traveled to Austin. She was here for a weekend of meetings for the national nurse practitioners' organization, of which she is an active member. (The organization may have a different name; I don't know what it is.) She was pretty busy while she was here, but she was able to walk to Dominican Joe's for coffee one morning, check out the Austin hike and bike trail (including the dog park) along Lady Bird lake, as well as make it over to our house for Saturday morning pancake breakfast and for a chunk of the day on Monday. We capped off her visit with lunch at Rudy's, a perennial favorite. Door to door, it's 5 minutes from our house ... not to make anyone salivate or anything.

Jasper had fun running around with Lou outside, and Lou enjoyed the lovely early February Austin weather before heading back to lake-effect snow storms in northeast Ohio.

She got a chance to feed and hold Benjamin too. People seem to like holding our chuckalicious guy, even if it does put a strain on the arms.

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