Thursday, November 30, 2006

T+4 and ... nothing.

We're still hanging out. The baby seems content to hang out in utero, and I'm not pulling out my hair yet for him to come out.

Drew and I are in the middle of getting the office/guest (grandparents') room back in order. Of course we decided to reorganize it and put in a new desk on Tuesday night. So that's something that's consumed our evenings and the better portion of our living room. We need to make room for grandmas and grandpas to come see the little guy, so we're content if he hangs out just a little while longer for us to get it done. It's given us a great opportunity to purge our files and streamline our "stuff." We could have arranged the timing better, but so far it's still ok. :)

Oh, and the weather has finally decided to at least pretend it's coming up on Christmas. We've gone from a high yesterday of 78 degrees to a current temp of 32degrees. Our high for the day was at midnight, around 70 deg, and it's been falling steadily since then. I think we might see sun later this afternoon, but right now it's pretty overcast and dreary. Remember I said we did yard work last weekend hoping we could slack off until after the baby arrives? Well, we've had rain and wind since then and our lawn and plant beds are covered in leaves again. Perhaps this weekend we'll be able to get it completely cleaned-up, but we don't know.

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