On August 6th, Benjamin turned 10 months old. Where have the months gone? Seriously, I don't know. He is such a fun and crazy kid, that this past month has been full of silliness and progress. Here are some snapshots and highlights.
He cut his 7th tooth before mid-August. (Sometime between July 4th and August 6th he got tooth #6. Forgive me for not alerting you all. Forgive me Benjamin for not writing it down. I'll try to do better on the other stuff.) His toothy grin is just about the cutest thing in this house - seriously!
He cut his 7th tooth before mid-August. (Sometime between July 4th and August 6th he got tooth #6. Forgive me for not alerting you all. Forgive me Benjamin for not writing it down. I'll try to do better on the other stuff.) His toothy grin is just about the cutest thing in this house - seriously!
His rolls and creases remain prominent parts of his anatomy in spite of the fact that we've had to start supplementing his nursing feedings with formula.
Since returning from the cabin (just shy of his 10-month anniversary) he has gone almost completely to table food. We were still giving him baby oatmeal cereal and continue to give him baby food fruit+grain combos for snacks. Other than that, he's a big, mean, food-eating machine. He eats chicken, ham, turkey, meatballs, brisket. Doesn't like rice too much but loves pancakes and Cheerios (of course!). He eats carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, sweet potatoes and tomatoes. He loves strawberries, peaches, apples, pears, bananas, blueberries and oranges. He loves yogurt and mostly likes cheese. Generally speaking, there is nothing he won't eat. Even if he doesn't love it and gets a squirmed-look on his face, he'll still go back in for more. (hence the creases and rolls)
here are some meatballs
and some carrots
and a clean placemat
Pancake mornings are also enjoyed greatly by Benjamin. You can see how he just devours everything ... and tries to go back for more.
helping himself to some more fruit
as you can see, he's just fine.
He's a mover and a shaker - crawling like a speed demon. It still amazes me when I put him down and just moments later he's in a completely different part of the house. Yes, we have a small house - but still!
He LOVES walking around the house with you holding onto his hands. He has never been as fond of the stroller, shopping cart or airplane that Jasper walked behind forever. But he does love to walk. And if you want to stop before he's done, he cries. Everyone who walks with him even once is aware of this, and we sort of warn (while chuckling at) the people who start walking with him - unaware of what this will entail. Early in the month he'd actually cry if you tried to get him to walk behind one of these toys. But by the end of the month, he tolerates it.
Benjamin has found the pull-out drawers in the kitchen cabinets to be great fun and also likes to pull out the big tupperware drawer in the kitchen. He is sometimes knocked down as he pulls on it and it rolls all the way out.
Both boys love playing outside, and I've figured out if I bring out toys Benjamin will stay put and not go running after leaves or dirt to put into his mouth (because at this stage everything goes into his mouth!). August was not as beastly hot as July had been, so we were able to spend more time outside after we got back from the cabin. We play in the front yard.
... or we play in the sandbox on the deck,
Most of the time, Benjamin doesn't get to play with too many of the trucks. Jasper loves his brother, but he does not like to share. He's working on it, and he will now give Benjamin something (one or two trucks) with which to play while he (Jasper) builds roads, etc. with all the rest.
... or we play at the water table when it's hot. Benjamin now likes to stand at the water table and splash. When he gets himself wet in the face, it startles him - but he loves it and smiles broadly.
Benjamin is clingy. I love that he cuddles, but I don't love that he doesn't want to be with anyone else. Over the summer we tried putting him in the nursery during the service, and admitted it was during his nap time and he'd probably be tired. I always said they could call me if he wouldn't calm down. Well, I got called EVERY service. So, the week before Labor day we decided he needed to learn to be in the nursery. So we asked that they do their best. And they did. They worked their tails off - and he cried nearly the whole time, but he eventually fell asleep and was able to be put down in a crib. The next week he was better! He even had 20 minutes of fun, play / walking time at the end. woo hoo!
Wow! Teething is crazy for Benjamin. He bites. And it hurts! He'll come after one of us with his mouth wide open, and you might think it was for kisses ... but no! He is trying to chomp on any and everything. And he's strong, so you have to be really aware and able to keep him from chomping on you. I had multiple bruises on my upper arm from his chomps.
Jasper loves to wrestle with Benjamin. Most of the time we think he's being too rough with his younger brother, but most of the time Benjamin just laughs and loves it. Take a look:
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