Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sweet Berry Farm

On Saturday (4/19) we took a family excursion to Sweet Berry Farm in Marble Falls, about one hour west of Austin. We've been running (and riding) in different directions for months, and Drew's been training most Saturdays for the BPMS150 ... that we just really needed time together as a family. The day was perfect, as you can tell from the photos. It was mild in Austin before we left, but once we got to the farm the temps were creeping up toward 80 degrees. Still there was a sweet breeze to keep us cool.

Here are my two boys walking hand-in-hand toward the farm.
Jasper was anxious to explore everything.
Jasper is a HUGE strawberry fan, so we had no doubt he'd enjoy this outing. Sweet Berry Farm grows various fruits, but strawberries are what are in season right now. We showed Jasper how to pick the berries off the plants, and from that moment on it was all hands on deck to keep him from picking and eating everything he saw. He got the most precious look on his face when we would give him a berry to eat. On one of the first ones, he was so excited that he ate it all in one big mouthful - green top and all!
For the most part he did well picking berries we showed him and then dropping them in the box, but it still required supervision. Thankfully we were there together. Drew took over much of the parenting role while I picked. I could not resist continuing to pick. The berries were so ripe and yummy! Yes, we (obviously) did a little taste testing in the field.
We spent most of our time (about an hour picking) at the far end of the rows. At this point it looks a bit desolate, but other pickers soon joined us.

Jasper liked roaming around.
Here is a view of part of the farm. We ate lunch under the covered structure (seen below) once I was able to pull myself away from picking berries.

Before we wrapped up, Jasper and I sat down with our nearly full (it would get more full as I walked toward the checkout) basket to show off our plenty.

And here he is, enjoying a treat. :)

While I toiled in the field (actually while I couldn't tear myself away from picking beautiful berries), Drew let Jasper explore the farm and it's treasures. There wasn't a tractor in operation that we could see ... oh if there was!

Lunch time! We started with homemade strawberry ice cream (made at the farm). We had to ... or it would have melted!
The final box of berries.

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