Sunday, March 23, 2008

Where is Your Nose?

On his face, of course! Check it out ...

In addition to this, Jasper has started tumbling. I've known of a few kids his age taking an actual class at the Y. We're not members, and while I wasn't interested in signing him up for classes I thought he might respond to learning some tricks. He loves to do somersaults. He knows how to get in position, and by the end of the trick he is all smiles and ready to go again.

In the process of learning how to do somersaults, Jasper has also learned that he can use his head as the fifth leg of a tripod for various activities for which he needs to bend completely over. One of which happens to be going down stairs backwards. I've been working up an ulcer for the past few weeks on how to get him to learn to go down stairs safely. Yesterday he came down off our front step into the front plant bed by backing up to the ledge then putting his head and hands down and then stepping down. In turn his hair got a bit dirty, but it was a successful dismount with no broken bones, teeth or skin. For this I was thrilled!!!

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