Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Climbing 101

For the past week I've noticed Jasper's been trying to climb up onto things. When he stands at the window sill or pulls himself up against a big box he'll eventually lift one leg like he's just going to climb on up. Generally his leg doesn't get even halfway high enough for him to climb up, but he naively thinks he's gonna make it. The only thing in the house he can actually climb up are the doggy steps. It's only a matter of time before he finds other things to scale.

Earlier this week, after I put Jasper down for his morning nap, his normal talking/fussing all of a sudden changed and became a cry that immediately says "I'm hurt." (I've become skilled at learning this cry since he's pinched his fingers twice in the last week, and each time he's let out a piercing scream.) I quickly got into his nursery to find his leg stuck between the spindles of the crib. Apparently he thought he could climb out of the crib. Thankfully he can't.

I've accepted the fact that he eventually may learn how to climb in and out, but I don't want him to accidentally climb out and fall as opposed to scale down.

Oops, I forgot that there is one other thing he can climb onto in the house.

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