Sunday, May 27, 2007

More from Akron

Before Uncle Jon left to attend a wedding on Saturday, Erica was kind enough to take a picture of Jasper, my parents, Jon and me. It was great to be together, but the time was too short.

My dad and Jasper had some quality time together today. Here are some photo highlights:

After church on Sunday, Jasper got the chance to meet Lou and Kathleen, and he really enjoyed showing them the cool shirt they bought for him. The shirt says "duck, duck, Moose" and "Camden". We hope to take Jasper to Camden, Maine in the future.

After a nice walk through a beautiful evening, Grandma Gant gave Jasper a bath while Grandpa took some photos. Here is our favorite.

The new bathroom downstairs is wonderful, and Jasper is really enjoying his time here. Trips to Grandpa and Grandma's house are supposed to be fun, right? We look forward to more stories being created tomorrow.

1 comment:

cheryl said...

Jasper is quite the traveled little guy! What a trooper and sounds like y'all had some fun too.