Monday, May 28, 2007
Hanging with the Great Grandparents!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
More from Akron
After a nice walk through a beautiful evening, Grandma Gant gave Jasper a bath while Grandpa took some photos. Here is our favorite.
The new bathroom downstairs is wonderful, and Jasper is really enjoying his time here. Trips to Grandpa and Grandma's house are supposed to be fun, right? We look forward to more stories being created tomorrow.
Surprising Grandma
Our delay also left us short on "freshening up" time. We worked as fast as we could, but we still headed out to the party (from Lou & Kathleen's house) fully assuming we'd miss the actual surprise. If you can believe it, as we pulled off the highway in Louann's Tahoe and sat at the bottom of the exit ramp just yards away from the party site, Drew all of a sudden said "Don't look. Don't look. Don't look." Heck if I knew what he was talking about, but moments later as a dark green Saab passed us in the nearest lane he turned to me and said, "There are my parents right there in that car!" He hadn't made eye contact with them, but he was pretty sure they had seen him. So we drove down the road past the party site just to make sure we didn't spoil the surprise completely. We walked in to greet the birthday girl, and she said "I knew I saw you!"
Greeting grandma at the party.
A rare photo of mom and dad together. :)
Uncle Jon and Kathleen
Jasper found a little corner to play at the party. He was a big boy and looks like a big boy in his collared shirt and cargo pants.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Rolling Video
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Busy Week
It's been a week, and I think it's about time we post an update. Here's a list of all the things Jasper's been doing:)
and the major highlights:
Oh yeah, we're pretty proud. We're biased, but we think he's a rock star kid.
Rolling over just started today. Drew worked with Jasper while I was out running errands. He taught him to use his already super strong legs to thrust himself over, and Jasper latched on to it and ever since he just flips over without much of a care. This evening, he had his hand in his mouth, and still got himself rolled over. :)
Drew was traveling for work this week, and I still decided it was time to go "cold turkey no swing" for naps. Monday was tough. He cried. I almost cried. But I was still thinking he was going to get it. We made it through Monday, and wouldn't you know - on Tuesday he went down for both naps without a peep! He still cried when he woke up, and that's remained common throughout the week. But he's been a total champ. He's even sleeping for up to 2.5hrs sometimes. The length of time he naps each time isn't consistent, but we're not complaining. 25lbs is around the corner (the weight limit for the swing), and it was time to be a big boy ... and he is (sort of)!
I didn't mention it before, but we're also pretty sure he's teething. The drool faucet has been overflowing, and rubbing our fingers on his bottom gum reveals two little bumps. They haven't broken the surface yet, and we're just waiting for it to happen. Hopefully it won't happen on any of our travel days coming up.
This chair looks like it is just the right size for Jasper.
Jasper is really improving in his ability to sit up and stay up. Specifically he can lean over pretty far, reaching for toys, and still pull himself back up.
Jumping in his suspended seat is a real work out for Jasper, but he LOVES it! He jumps, bumps into the wall and twirls around. It's so funny to watch him.
Drew changed Jasper into this "I love daddy" outfit after he changed a particularly poopy diaper. It was his reward.
Jasper still loves his toes.
This photo is pre-roll. Our camera isn't fast enough to catch him in the act. But you can see what he has on his mind. He's rar-rar-raring to go!
(A video of Jasper rolling will be posted later.)
Monday, May 14, 2007
Jasper in a REAL Swing!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Piano Man
Monday, May 07, 2007
Jumping Jasper
here's a short video of Jasper showing off for his daddy.
Another Manicure
Sitting Up!
Here's the cute smile we were looking for!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
5 months old!
Jasper, 4 months old.
Reaching for his toes, of course.
Clapping in excitement. ... there's a camera!
Mr. Bubble Machine
After the photo extravaganza, we propped him up against the ottoman to see if he could stand on his own. His legs are quite strong, and when he stands on our laps he certainly doesn't need us to hold him up any. I thought he'd be able to do it. After some initial missteps and definite listing to the right, he got the knack of it and stood for a little while, even taking a few steps while holding onto the ottoman. It was a trip!
look ma, one hand!
Erica and Jasper
Yes, those are his pants on his head. Yes, that was Erica's idea. No, Jasper did not mind.