Tuesday, September 11, 2007

9 months old

The resounding comment people make about Jasper these days is how l-o-n-g his hair is. It's true. His hair is pretty long. When it's neatly tucked behind his ears, it looks adorable. When not, it can look more than disheveled. Guess how it looks most of the time.

I took this 9 month photo while Drew was at work, so please forgive the haphazard nature. It's nearly impossible to keep him sitting in one place for any given period of time. I was bribing him with his x-ray fish, but he still wanted to roll around and try to climb off the couch.

And here he is, practicing that roll. Yep, that's all baby fat on those legs. If it were muscle, he'd be able to pull himself up onto furniture. He isn't yet. Oh well. We're working on it.

see, totally disheveled:

Jasper went in for his 9 month appt last week, and his current stats are:

weight = 22lbs, 3oz (80th percentile)

length = 29inches (75th percentile)

head circumference = 47cm (95th percentile)

Less than an hour before his appointment, I was letting him practice standing unassisted. However, he can't stand like that forever, and I misjudged how close we were to furniture. Yep, you guessed it - he fell and hit his head on a table leg. Thankfully it was on the well worn, round leg of the only antique we have in the house. He only cried for a very short time and then just got mad at me for trying to put ice on it. So, no permanent damage was done, but it sure did leave a whopper of a shiner on his forehead for everyone to see. The doctor's entire office knew about it by the time we left. Oh well.

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