Thursday, August 02, 2007


In just the last few days, Jasper has dramatically improved in his "inchworm mobility." Maybe all those days stuck inside last week were the trick. Now he's pretty darn quick. Just have a look at this video for living proof. :)

Speaking of last week, amid all the rain and gloom I decided it was time to bust out some new toys. Jasper (and I) needed new stimulation. We got out the Fisher Price Animal Zoo, and Jasper has enjoyed exploring all the animals. The giraffe is an early favorite. It must be the long neck which gives him something to really stick into his mouth. Other than that, the alligator and flamingo are high on his list. I personally find the quail to be adorable. She (yes, I'm claiming it to be a female) looks like a nun in a habit. So cute!

Apart from inchworming, Jasper also spends a lot of time generally rolling around the floor either trying to get to a particular toy or just having fun. He's quite proficient.

1 comment:

Skramarama said...

8 months old already?? I love all the pics, which really show off his baby blues! That said, I think my favorite might be the religious quail. :)
