Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Jasper is getting Verbal!

Jasper has started to get pretty verbal in the last few days. He's transitioned from the long, loud squealing which dominated his repertoire before our trip to Minnesota to very clear "dada" verbal segments. He mixes in a few other sounds, so it then sounds like he's actually trying to carry on a conversation. It's pretty cute. Sadly I do not have any audio or video clips to share because our digital camera died when we were at the cabin last week. We anticipated this was going to happen and had started looking for a new one. We just hoped it would happen after our current one died. No such luck. We'll update the blog once we can.

The transition back to normal life after being at the cabin has been a little rough. I think this 4th tooth is really giving him pain, and going back on rice cereal has caused him to spit up several times and be generally discontent. Yesterday was rough. Today is a little better, and we hope later on Jasper will not cry randomly throughout the evening like he did last night. Poor kid, I know he just misses his Grandma, Papa, aunties, uncles and cousins!

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