Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Traveling Man

I've been lax in getting an update on the blog of all our travel adventures. There is plenty to share of the fun we had when we were in Michigan (the first week in June).

Jasper enjoyed getting to know Mrs. Wall. She read to him and sang him a pony boy song. He liked getting bounced around, like he was riding a horse. Jasper also liked getting to know Mrs. Wall's grandsons (2 of 3): Garret and Grant (seen below). Garret is 8 months old, exactly 2 months older than Jasper. They are both close to the same size, but Garret for sure plays with his toys in a more advanced way. Grant is a great big brother! He also loves to dance and couldn't wait to hit the dance floor at the wedding reception earlier in the evening.

Jasper introduced Garret to his jumpy seat. Grandma and Papa Jasper also have a wide opening into the dining room so Jasper could have a big space for jumping during our meals. He loved it!

Two of the outings we took while in Michigan were to the Kalamazoo Nature Center and to the Lake Michigan beach at South Haven. Jasper liked seeing the cow, horse and goats at the Nature center.

He also liked playing at the beach. It was really windy that day, so Papa's golf umbrella was critical to keep him from being blown over while he played. Jasper didn't get many "real naps" this day, but he was still a great kid. We're very lucky in that Jasper can adapt pretty well even when his "schedule" gets disrupted.

Jasper feels pretty comfy hanging out with Uncle Chris, and his cousins love to hang out with Uncle Chris, too!
Some photos with Papa and Grandma:

How much do Linnea and Karin love their cousin? A LOT! I look forward to the day when Jasper is really big enough to play with them more interactively and can enjoy how much fun it is to have cousins.

Karin and Linnea wanted to enjoy breakfast at the Yellow Rose Cafe (Papa and Grandma's porch), so Jasper joined them, too.

A couple of evenings Jasper really struggled with teething pain and didn't go down well for bed, so he got to spend a little extra time with Auntie Britt and Uncle Adam. Adam tried to explain some physics principles to Jasper that evening. He liked listening to Adam's deep voice. :)

Jasper got to eat al fresco the last day in Michigan.

This is one of my favorite photos from our trip. I didn't notice when I was taking the photo that the horns on Jon's shirt look like they're coming out of Jasper's head. It makes Jasper look like a little elf. :)

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