Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Tongue-tied no more!

Jasper had his first appointment with the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (We liked her very much), and all the reports were positive with one exception. The positives were that he had already started gaining weight, and that his color was still looking good. The exception was his tongue. The piece of tissue (frenulum linguae) that attaches the tongue to the bottom of his mouth was too close to the tip of his tongue. This was inhibiting Jasper's ability to extend his tongue during feedings, and Erica was paying the price for that physical limitation. The NP recommended that we have his tongue "clipped" which involves cutting back that tissue under his tongue. This would be done by an ENT Dr down the hall. We scheduled that procedure for 9:15 AM on Tuesday.

We arrived at the ENT office today, and the doctor met with us and explained the procedure. Topical anesthetic would be used, and the clip would be made with some surgical scissors. There are very few nerves and blood vessels in the frenulum in a child so young, and Jasper was great the whole time. The attached picture is from shortly after we arrived home.

Tomorrow I will head back to work. I'm not looking forward to leaving Jasper during the day, but I'm confident in Erica's abilities to care for Jasper. In addition, Erica's mother Diane is here to help out for a little while. We are very excited to introduce Jasper to each of you.

Let us know if you have any requests for the blog. I've heard some very positive feedback from the short videos that I have posted. I may try to post more of those in the future. We are very pleased to have so many people interested in the growth and development of our son.

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